Exercises to slim the stomach and sides: effective and simple

Keeping your body in shape is important, and you don't need to visit a fitness trainer to do it. There are exercises to slim the stomach and sides that can be easily done at home.

It should be understood that no exercise can correct the situation and get rid of extra pounds if you do not meet certain standards. The diet must be balanced, rich in vitamins and proteins. If you exercise regularly, the body will certainly appreciate all the efforts, and in combination with a well-organized diet, the process of losing weight will go much faster.

Home-made is essential, no fast food, on the go, cold. Anything that is tasty is usually harmful, and there is a lot of sugar and fat hidden in cooked dishes, so it is better to independently control the quality of products and how the dish is prepared. This is an important point. Well, to minimize the intake of fat, salty, flour, sweetness and alcohol, one should not follow a rigid diet.

Exercises to slim the stomach and sides

the girl does exercises to lose weight on the sides and abdomen

A series of exercises will help you get rid of extra pounds, especially if they are concentrated on the stomach and sides. Each of them is done in three approaches, and the break is 2 minutes. It is better to warm up the muscles before starting, and then not to eat for 2 hours.

  1. The first exercise helps to stretch the muscles and improve blood circulation. Spread your feet shoulder-width apart, tie your hands in the lock, and lift yourself up to chest level. Tuck your stomach in, bend your back slightly, lean forward. Then we lean back and forth, at that time you can feel how tired the muscles are. We follow the sensations, and where there is more tension, we do more repetitions;
  2. The second effective exercise is the plank. You can stand on your elbows and toes, you can stand on your hands. The body must be free from deviation. Ideally 60 seconds, but at this point you need to go gradually. There are many options for the bar, and if the simplest is mastered, then you can do the side one by one and with body rotation;
  3. The third exercise involves swinging your leg and then bending your back into a cat pose. This should be done in three approaches 20 times;
  4. Twisting is another effective exercise. You need to lie on the floor, firmly lean your back against a flat surface, bend your knees. The aim of the lesson is to try to stretch the chin up to the ceiling as much as possible, the abdominal muscles are in tension. Freeze for a few seconds, relax. And the twist is also carried out in both directions, you can from a sitting position, tucking the knees;
  5. One exercise that won't let you get bored is while sitting. Put your hands behind you and your feet to write numbers, letters or objects. Anything your heart desires. At the same time, the breathing is regular, deep, the exercise is done slowly;
  6. Squats can be done anywhere, even at work. And if you combine them with a jump, the effect will increase. You have to do three sets of 20 times, with one break per minute.

Staying in shape is not easy, but if you develop a habit, then without tension in the muscles, it is already uncomfortable, so patience is called for. We must overcome laziness, understand that there is no life without movement, live positively and eat well. When the exercises become a habit, it is already easier to remember the exercises, and the result will be obvious: not only the fat on the sides will disappear, but also the muscles will contract.